How to Protect Your Home from Burglary [Comprehensive Guide] – EleMake
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How to Protect Your Home from Burglary [Comprehensive Guide]

by Michelle Chan 06 Sep 2023 0 Comments
how to protect your home from burglary

When it comes to protecting your home, knowledge is your greatest weapon. According to recent home burglary stats, a burglary occurs in the United States approximately every 15 seconds. This means that, on average, more than 4,800 burglaries happen daily across the country. On average, the financial loss due to a burglary is estimated to be around $2,416 per incident.

With these alarming statistics in mind, it's evident that taking proactive measures to secure your home is not just prudent but absolutely essential. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into a range of expert strategies and tips to protect your home from potential burglary, ensuring the safety of your loved ones and your peace of mind. Discover the most effective ways to protect your home, deter intruders, and minimize the risk of becoming a victim of break-in.

1. Enhance Security with High-Security Door Locks

The first layer of security for your home is installing a high-security door lock for your front door, such as the Elemake Mechanical Keyless Deadbolt Lock. This advanced lock offer superior protection with their anti-pick and anti-tampering features. By eliminating the need for traditional keys, it enables you to access your home using a secure combination code. Elemake's mechanical keyless deadbolt provides peace of mind and enhances your home's overall security.

Elemake Mechanical Keyless Deadbolt

2. Lock Doors & Windows and Secure the Garage

Vigilance should extend beyond extended departures. Unlocked doors or open garages provide opportunities for fast-moving burglars, even during short absences. Home security experts from ADT report that 34% of burglars enter through the front door, 22% through the ground-floor window, 22% through the back door, and 9% through the garage. Ensure all windows and doors, including those in the basement, are locked.

3. Maintain Privacy with Curtains and Blinds

Windows offer you a view of the outside world, but they also provide an open view for potential burglars. Criminals often peer through windows to assess potential targets or determine if anyone is home. To protect your privacy and security, ensure you keep curtains or blinds closed in rooms where you're not actively using natural light. Additionally, avoid leaving valuable items within plain sight of windows.

4. Opt for a Reliable Home Security System

For the utmost security, investing in a dependable home security system is paramount. Whether you prefer professionally monitored systems or DIY alternatives, there are numerous reputable home security companies and top-tier security systems to choose from. Select one that aligns with your security needs and budget.

5. Illuminate Your Property with Motion-Sensing Lights

Motion-sensing floodlights act as a deterrent by illuminating anyone who enters your property unlawfully. Inside your home, motion-sensing smart lights can activate when you're away, signaling to watchful neighbors that something may be amiss, particularly useful during vacations.

6. Keep Your Travel Plans Private

While it's tempting to share your upcoming travel plans on social media or discuss them in public places, these actions can compromise your home's security. Burglars often target homes during vacations, taking advantage of the ample time available before residents can report the crime. To minimize risk, refrain from broadcasting your whereabouts, even to friends.

7. Create a Strategy for a Vacation

Before embarking on a trip, create a strategy to maintain the appearance of an occupied home. Arrange for mail and deliveries to be held or collected by a trusted neighbor. If snow is expected during your absence, secure a snow removal service to clear your driveway. Similarly, for extended summer trips, schedule routine lawn maintenance to keep up the appearance of an active residence.

8. Maintain Discretion in Your Routine

Daytime break-ins are prevalent when residents are away from home, making it essential to maintain discretion in your routine. Avoid sharing your schedule widely, even with acquaintances. Surprisingly, a significant portion of burglaries involves known offenders, such as friends, neighbors, or family members, according to FBI data.

9. Foster a Watchful Neighborhood

A community where neighbors watch out for one another is less appealing to burglars. Many local police departments offer resources for Neighborhood Watch programs. Even in the absence of formal programs, maintaining a rapport with neighbors can enhance security. If you entrust a neighbor with a spare key, hand it over directly rather than leaving it in an outdoor hiding spot.

10. Consider Your Home's Exterior

While we all strive for a beautiful exterior, burglars have different criteria. They are drawn to shrubs that conceal entrances, personal items left outside, and costly landscaping features that hint at valuable possessions within the home.

By implementing these security measures and strategies, you can significantly reduce the vulnerability of your home to burglaries and enjoy greater peace of mind. Your home should be a sanctuary, and with the right precautions, it can remain safe and secure.

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